School policy

The Meadow School uniform supports the ethos of our school and enables the children to take pride in our school and feel they belong. The uniform also helps to create a proper working environment and we expect our children to be both smart and comfortable during the working day.

Our uniform can be purchased by the supplier Price and Buckland. Visit the website by clicking this link

Uniform without logos can be purchased from most clothes stores.

We accept donations of old or unused uniform which will contribute to our affordable second-hand uniform rail featured in the school.  If you wish to visit this rail or would like to have recommendations on where to buy unbranded uniform, please contact the Office


If a child is not deemed to be following the uniform policy, then teachers will make contact with parents. If a further follow up is required, a member of the Senior Leadership Team will then make contact with parents to discuss the matter and see if we can offer any assistance.

School uniform

  • Black or grey school trousers/school shorts/pinafore dress/skirt or blue and white gingham summer dresses
  • Socks and tights should be plain in colour and preferably black, white or grey
  • Pale blue or white polo shirt
  • Royal blue Meadow School sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Sensible black shoes to be worn and plain black, grey or white socks (no trainers except for PE or lunchtime and no sandals or crocs for health and safety reasons)
  • For PE black or blue shorts and a navy polo shirt should be worn indoors and outdoors if weather permits. A tracksuit should be provided for outdoor PE along with trainers or plimsolls.
Item Term to wear Branded Optional
Trousers/shorts All terms No Yes – a choice a choice of any of these may be worn
Skirt/pinafore All terms No Yes – a choice a choice of any of these may be worn
Blue and white dress All terms (if parents wish) No Yes – a choice a choice of any of these may be worn
Polo shirts All terms No No
Jumper All terms Yes  No – a choice a choice of either of these may be worn
Cardigan All terms Yes No – a choice a choice of either of these may be worn
PE shorts and T-Shirts and
All terms No No – shorts and t-shirts must
be worn for indoor PE.
Outdoor kit is optional
Bookbag All terms Yes Yes


Personal jewellery:
The only personal jewellery permitted is:
• A watch
• Studs which are to be used in pierced ears, a maximum of one stud in each ear (these must be removed for PE)
• Medical information necklace / bracelet for those who require it
• Necklace with religious emblem, e.g. cross and chain worn inside collar of polo shirt

Hairstyles, colours and make-up
• Hairstyles that are deemed by staff to be extreme are politely requested to not be had in term time, e.g. patterns shaved into
the hair, Mohicans etc. Hair colour that is unnatural is not allowed, e.g. bright red, green, blue.
• Children are not allowed to wear make up for school (children will be asked to remove this at school)
• Coloured nail varnish and nail art is not allowed (children may be asked to remove this at home or in school)

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