What is the Graduated Approach?

If we suspect a child may have Special Educational Needs, we take actions to remove the pupil’s barriers to learning. We put in place educational provision through the use of the Graduated Approach.

The Anglian Learning Graduated Approach identifies different levels of support for pupils.

For all – Inclusive Classrooms
​“Ordinarily available provision” strategies and resources that any child may access. We provide this through our offer of high quality teaching.

For some – Interventions and extra support
​Children may access targeted support to address barriers to learning and specific difficulties. This may include extra adult support in class, small group or 1:1 interventions. If a child has been receiving support but is still experiencing difficulties, we may add them onto our school’s SEND register.

​For few – Personalised support, EHC plans, Alternative provision
​If children experience a more complex/sustained level of need, school may seek extra support. We may apply for an an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to provide more indiviualised and personalised support.​

Please see the SEND OAP Toolkit in the downloads for more information


Pupil profile

If your child is a member of our school’s SEND register, they will be supported through cycles of Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR).

​At the Meadow, we track this through our Pupil Profile documents. These documents are made and reviewed termly with your child. It will reflect your child’s strengths; strategies and interventions we use to support them; current targets they are working on in class. These documents will be shared with parents/carers so you are aware of how they are being supported.

​Where children have a higher level of need, we invite parents/carers to a termly meeting. In this meeting we discuss progress and agree on targets for the next term (Communication Passport meetings).














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